508 Accessibility and ELearning
Top 10 Accessibility design rules for e-learning
1. Images: Use alt text to describe all static elements, such as graphics, icons, graphic text.
2. Multimedia: Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of video.
3. Hypertext links: Use text that makes sense out of context. For example, avoid ‘click here’.
4. Page organization: Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use CSS for layout and style.
5. Graphs & charts: Summarize or use the longdesc attribute.
6. Frames: Use the noframes element and meaningful titles.
7. Tables: Make line-by-line reading sensible – summarize.
8. Questions: Avoid ‘difficult’ screen types, such as drag and drop.
9. Punctuation: Meet requirements of screen readers, e.g. full stops at the end of all bullet points.
10. Keyboard: Ensure clickable elements can be controlled via keyboard, e.g. Tab cycles and Enter.
For more detail, visit www.section508.gov.
1. Images: Use alt text to describe all static elements, such as graphics, icons, graphic text.
2. Multimedia: Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of video.
3. Hypertext links: Use text that makes sense out of context. For example, avoid ‘click here’.
4. Page organization: Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use CSS for layout and style.
5. Graphs & charts: Summarize or use the longdesc attribute.
6. Frames: Use the noframes element and meaningful titles.
7. Tables: Make line-by-line reading sensible – summarize.
8. Questions: Avoid ‘difficult’ screen types, such as drag and drop.
9. Punctuation: Meet requirements of screen readers, e.g. full stops at the end of all bullet points.
10. Keyboard: Ensure clickable elements can be controlled via keyboard, e.g. Tab cycles and Enter.
For more detail, visit www.section508.gov.