Instructional Systems Design Service
Scher Progression News

Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009 Training Trends Workshop

A Scher Progression training workshop for The Associated General Contractors of America training-related staff. Photo copyright 2009 Mark Scher
Recently, our client posed an interesting puzzle to us. Could SP provide a program that presented the most current education trends, and could we also provide a team building opportunity? Both ideas are good for full length workshops, but the client had a need to complete the program in a morning. We wanted to avoid the usual boring program format of participants sitting through a long lecture of statistical trends and training minutiae.
Amy Fields, Director, Supervisory Training Programs, in a moment of thought with her group during a Scher Progression training workshop for The Associated General Contractors of America. Photo copyright 2009 Mark Scher

Keeping with our mantra about presenting interactive programs, we added a twist; let the participants do the trending, and then compare their results with our findings. The result was an enjoyable, involving, and interactive experience. the most important factor for the success of the mix was a fun group of participants who really put themselves into the role plays.
A group presents their trending predictions during a Scher Progression training workshop for The Associated General Contractors of America. Photo copyright 2009 Mark Scher

A group presents their trending predictions during a Scher Progression training workshop for The Associated General Contractors of America. Photo copyright 2009 Mark Scher
Christopher S. Monek, Senior Executive Director, with his group during a Scher Progression training workshop for The Associated General Contractors of America. Photo copyright 2009 Mark Scher

On a side note: We also played with an estimating icebreaker. The groups estimated the number jelly beans in a giant container. The winning group took home the beans, after generously sharing them with the other groups. Proving the statisticians right, we found that putting every one's guesses together resulted in an answer that was only 70 beans away from the exact number. A nice illustration for team work. You might ask how we knew the exact number...other than saying it involved an ISD process, it's a trade secret.

Winners of jelly bean estimating icebreaker during a Scher Progression training workshop for The Associated General Contractors of America. Photo copyright 2009 Mark Scher